Credits, References, and Inspirations


As I said earlier, I am a packrat and have read 100's upon hundreds of antenna articles, and have spoken to dozens of real experts on antennas. So I cannot possibly remember everyone or everything I have read. In crafting this very basic html website, I did manage to remember some of the more prominent names that have influenced me over the years, and the information I got from this website comes from these fine gentlemen, so lets give them credit. And these would be:


Alot of valuable information in here. alot of antenna articles getting major updates



Lew McCoy was a big inspiration to many, and he has very valid information in here about setting up your station as well as Antennas.



The Book that made the Cubical Quad famous, at the time it was actually a NY times best seller! Great info from an author of many many antenna books.



Kind of a follow up to the above book by George McCarthy, more recent information about the Cubical Quad put in practice



A side book to the ARRL book above..... its for builders and experimenters of the wild antenna designs recently discovered by Eznec freaks.



A very complete book on the Cubical Quad, everything from start to finish on how to build one, with pictures!



Former Long Island NY.. DX Cubical Quad Guru, real world experiences here, with many db gain tables and 100's of examples, and what to expect.



What can be said about L.B.Cebik? The man who brought computer software to the forefront of design with Eznec. Super Talented Genius.


collection of 73 magazine articles about various antennas, good info


Joe Carr's book about practical antenna building in the real world


Once again the genius Bill ORR, and a combination of about 10 other books he wrote on the subject compiled here. Brilliant and Accessable.


When you really want to become a software lunatic and propagation professor, then read the two books below:


eznec modeling




ham radio propagation




Again there have been 1000's upon 1000's of articles written about antennas, this site tries to represent a small fraction of the antenna information out there that I found personally valuable in my own quest for more signal strength.

Links I like :




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